
"The Thanksgiving Mice" Is Now Available!

Every page has a color picture painted by the author in watercolor. The text of the book is hand-written by the author as well.   This lovely children's picture book has enjoyed an enthusiastic reception in its first week! Many thanks to my friends and readers who've ordered their copies.   A farm couple and a mouse family share the same house, and as Thanksgiving approaches, Mrs. Mouse schemes to keep most of the farm wife's Thanksgiving feast right there in the kitchen, where her Mouse family can enjoy it in peace.  I enjoyed finding a new, better printing company in New Bern. Thank you, Copy & Print Warehouse! To order your copy of "The Thanksgiving Mice," please send me an email at Please provide me with your mailing address. Each copy is $10, which includes  shipping  inside the U.S. You can mail me a check here: M.K. Christiansen 709 NC Hwy. 304 Bayboro, NC 28515 Or you may pay me via Paypal,...

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Welcome to my personal publishing site. I'm M.K. Christiansen, children's book writer. Red Robin Farm is my home; from there I publish books for children from preschool through late elementary age. Three Against the Dark , an adventure/fantasy chapter book for mid- to upper-elementary age kids, is available for purchase on . Greenfield Civil Wars , a comedy for all ages, is available to read at no cost on my blog, at this link . Punkin and the Littlest Mouse , a picture book about a farm chicken, may be purchased from me directly for $10 including shipping. Please send me an email at, and we will correspond about that purchase. The Thanksgiving Mice  . a picture book about a clever mouse family, will be finished later in 2018, and will also be available from me directly. Stay tuned! Ten Days at Federal Hill , a sequel to Three Against Dark , is midway to completion. If you enjoy poetry, please visit my blog and look at the po...